Among His Signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Do not prostrate to the sun and the moon, but prostrate to Allah, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve. QurĂ¡n 41:37

 Islam teaches us it is wrong to bring down God to the level of Humans or Animals or Nature or any creation of Allah swt. The moment people bring down God to the level of Human then they destroy His Unique attributes by giving Him Gender Color Race Language and Tribe. Then they monopolize God and demonize others and that result in Bigotry Racism and Discriminations

DC02-Monotheism vs Polytheism-APR10.pdf DC02-Monotheism vs Polytheism-APR10.pdf
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Type : pdf
DC03-Shunning the Shirk-june10.pdf DC03-Shunning the Shirk-june10.pdf
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Type : pdf
DC04-Knowing fitrah-APR10.pdf DC04-Knowing fitrah-APR10.pdf
Size : 0.048 Kb
Type : pdf


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